Constraint MDD
The constraint mdd, see [CY08], [CY10] and [PR14], ensures that the sequence of values assigned to the variables it involves follows a path going from the root of the described MDD (Multi-valued Decision Diagram) to the unique terminal node.
mdd($X$,$M$) with $X=\langle x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_r \rangle$ and $M$ a MDD, iff $x_1 x_2 \ldots x_r \in L(M)$ where $L(M)$ denotes the language recognized by the MDD $M$.
Because the graph is directed, acyclic, with only one root node and only one terminal node, we just need to introduce transitions. The syntax for mdd is:
<list> (intVar wspace)+ </list>
<transitions> ("(" state "," intVal "," state ")")+ </transitions>
As an example, the constraint of scope
We obtain:
<list> x1 x2 x3 </list>